Ryder, Cassidy Publishing

About Us

Our aim in founding Ryder, Cassidy Publishing is to offer new audiences the pleasure of discovering books that once pleased huge numbers of readers but are now hard to find or completely unavailable.

We’ve known each other forever, but we only formed our publishing company at the end of 2016.   We still have day jobs, but this is our real passion.

The idea that we might become publishers came from the fact that we’re both big fans of Philip Friedman’s legal thrillers – million-plus-copy bestseller in the 1990’s.  Wanting recently to introduce some friends to his work, we found to our amazement that there were no e-books of any of them.

In our attempt to track this down, we found our way to Mr. Friedman (two degrees of separation in this case), learned that he had the ebook rights, and proposed that we would become his e-publishers.   Long story, short, he agreed, we found wonderful people to handle the print-to-e conversion, e-book and cover design, and marketing.

The lucky beneficiaries of this effort are all the readers who will find books they would otherwise never have known existed.

And we know how exciting that can be, because when we got acquainted with Philip Friedman, he told us that REASONABLE DOUBT, INADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE, and GRAND JURY were far from his only books.  We knew about TERMINATION ORDER and WALL OF SILENCE from listings on the legal books, though we’d never read them.  What we didn’t know about at all was that he’d written a series of military thrillers under the name PHILIP CHASE – and some stories and other books.  And we got to read and enjoy all of them –

As we hope you will.

This is our first endeavor, but we have our eye out for more.  We’ll even take suggestions, if you have any… wonderful books and authors whose work is not available in e-book form.


William Ryder,  Charles Cassidy